So i'm very excited because i got another gold nugget. Check out the interview with Hugo it's fucking awesome.

To introduce Hugo you want to read his post in the AHW Forum:

Hey guys, I am really grateful of giving you this post, so here it goes...

I started in this forum since it began, and at that time, it was almost a year ago, and I had the worst birthday of my entire life, 5 people came to my birthday party with me including ok, I was so ashamed, that I said I celebrated my birthday AT ALL.

Then, I began listening to the podcasts, reading books related to the law of attraction, you name it, I really began digging deep in this…

A year passed by, and I had such a bad impression of my last birthday that I first had my doubts in making a birthday party….

Of course, my entire life had changed by this time, I have plenty of friends, I am major everywhere I go, at least try to be, I am currently seeing 2 women that are pretty damn hot, and that are ok that I am with more women, lol…

So Anyways, I said fuck it, I’ll make the intention of making the best birthday party I could possibly make, and started visualizing how I wanted my birthday party to be, I visualized tons of people wanting to go in, that the place was fully crowded, that there were plenty of hot women in the place, etc, etc, etc… I did this a week previous to my birthday…

I met the owner of a very cool bar in my country, by being the mayor last time I went of course, and he said he was going to give me an awesome price and I would have an ALL U CAN DRINK including Rum, Vodka, Whisky, Beer and Tequila imagine that, the price was 10 bucks ok, imagine that… I got the best price I could ever imagine…

After that, he gave me 100 bracelets that were for pre sale. So because, now I have tons of friends, I gave to 6 different people bracelets so they could make the sale for me, network marketing, lol… Really, if I didn’t have the in my life this people that really care for me, my birthday party wouldn’t turned out the way it did….

So anyways, the bracelets weren’t selling as much as I thought they were going to sale, you know, people always leave things to last, but I kept visualizing it the way I wanted it and my intention was the same….

I arrived, at 7:30 p.m. to the place I think I maybe had, 35-40 bracelets sold at that time… And maybe 5 people were there at that time, my birthday started at 8:00 p.m. Since I have very little social anxiety left in me, I started stopping groups of people in the street asking them

Me: How’s everything?
Them: Good
Me: What r u doing tonight?
Them: We don’t know yet
Me: Well, you are welcome to join my party, this is are the bracelets, this is what includes etc, etc, etc…
Them: Sure, we want n quantity of bracelets....
Me: Sure

I began doing this at 7:45 p.m, ok, BUT, after that… LOL HOLLY SHIT, I said

Me: Hey what’s up, I am having my birthday party, ALL U CAN DRINK for 10 bucks, interested?
Them: Sure, give me n quantity

Guys, I shit you not, I could finally manage myself find my way upstairs, at 10 p.m. My phone was ringing so much I had to turn it off, cause a lot of people wanted to enter to my party….

I finally entered, and started being the mayor with everyone, guys…. ITS ALL ABOUT LIFESTYLE, girls were pursuing me like nuts, people were congratulating me, telling me they were having a blast, I met tons of people, people asking me if I could promote them a party too, listen, you have no idea what you are missing out by not taking small insignificant risks by talking to people… People thought I was the owner of the bar…

Ohhh, yes, how could I forget… I made out with prob 5-6 girls, cant give you an exact number for obvous reasons, lol… A wonderful and beautiful said, so what are we doing tonight… I went to the bathroom with her and had sex… Afterwards, I almost got kicked out of my OWN party, imagine that… lol… Somewhat somehow I managed to get away with it…

Listen guys, more than 300 hundred people attended that birthday party, and guess what, my birthday turned out to be the exact same way I visualized it, if not better… Listen, loads of women entered the room, the place was so crowded, some people had to leave because it was to much for them…

After that, how could I not do what Brent always says he does… OF COURSE, Champagne time!!!!! I grabbed the bottle and started pouring champagne to people, PANDEMONIOUM….

After that I started again being the mayor and started telling personally everyone that thank you very much for coming, I hope you had great time, peole started telling me, this was the best party they ever attended…

Afterwards, the owner said that he was very interested in working with me, that he had no clue I was so good at this, meanwhile I was pouring the bartenders and staff of the place….

Listen, I putted as much detail as I could… But no matter how many words I put into it, its still to hard to describe… Lets just say its PRICELESS…

One year, almost one year passed after my last birthday, and all I can say is my life has completely changed, and I am soooooooo soooooooo thankful for that, there just are no words to describe it….

I really want to tell you that, everything you want, you can have it, and you really are what you think about most…

If you want to see the pics of my birthday party… Go to and search the album Cumple Hugo… I am the one in the album cover….

I hope this inspires you to start believing in yourselves, and to be completely sure that you are on the right path, you just start to start to give yourself a chance of having what you want…. Have faith in yourselves, you won’t imagine how many great things awaits for you, You will experience things that you will never have the words to describe, I know I certainly did, this is just the beginning for me….

Have a great day guys, and start living the life you want

Take care
Hey guys,

first i want to introduce a guy called Cory Skyy who is teaches basically the same as Brent, Jake etc.

The thing that stops most guys in the area of socializing is desperation and neediness. Before you open your mouth women can feel the energy you give off. So if you desperatly seeking a women who you can sleep with guess what, That is not a good thing.
So what to do?
First figure out what you want: Let's say you want women to approach you in a bar. And then realize that you actually don't want the material thing itself but the emotion you get out of it. In this example you feel like the man, you get approval, feel like hey look at me i am hot, i get approached. You get what i mean.
So now live your life like you already are this kind of guy that gets approached all the time right now. Like visualize getting approached by hot women right now. The important thing is that you visualize having it right know And now you get the actual feeling you where looking for and don't need the material thing. And when you are at this point....Haha let me know what happens to you everywhere you go.

So i interviewed Miguel and man you have to listen to it. It is pure gold! My favourite sentence is: "All women want sex and the more you talk the more you convince them not to" :-).

Son enjoy and cheers!

PS: If someone wants to support me he can do it now in the donate site. So that i can keep up the website and the interviews. Thanks!
So finally the site is back! I have been very busy lately! I couldn't get a hold of enigma yet because he is a very busy guy too. BUT i put up  file with some conversations i had with him and that's great stuff so check it out in the download section. And i'm interviewing Miguel later that day with sound :-). So good stuff is coming!

Now here is an awesome article i found about the subject Brent was talking about. It is also a subject in the book "A course in Miracles", which Brent recommends, too.
Here you go:

“Nothing I see in this room [on this street,
from this window, in this place] means anything.”

The Text tells us that we must learn to question everything we think we know. This first lesson of the Workbook begins the process of opening our minds to the possibility that we may not know what we think we know, we may not really understand what we think we understand. A closed mind that thinks it already understands is not open to learning.

Early in the Text we are told that this is a course in mind training and will lead to a complete thought reversal. Its not just a little adjustment. It’s a complete 180 degree turn from the direction we thought was true. Because we believe our safety is in what we believe to be true, we are not likely to welcome something that is telling us the opposite. So with today’s lesson, the Workbook gently begins the process of loosening our grip on what we have believed to be true and bringing it to question.

The ego would tell us that these beginning exercises are trivial. But practiced as indicated, these exercises prepare the way for a profound shift in our perception. It is the beginning step on a journey that leads to joy beyond anything we have experienced in this world and peace that cannot be disturbed.

How long this journey is for us depends on one thing: Our willingness to fully practice the exercises and open our mind to the lessons of our inner Teacher. We are not alone on this journey. We have Help in our mind always. And we have the help of all our brothers who are dedicated to awakening from the dream. It is a shared awakening because sharing is waking. We join in the journey of returning to where we never left.

We embark on a journey together today and every day. We are together whether we realize it or not. In truth we are one. A world of separation could never be real. That is why it does not mean anything. It has meaning only to the extent that it can be a useful tool of awakening — a teaching aid. The Holy Spirit can and will use anything in this world as a bridge to bring us from our belief in separation to our recognition that only oneness is real. As we are willing to follow with an open mind, we will be led to true and everlasting happiness, deep peace and joy without reservation.

This world is the opposite of reality. We need mind training in order to let go of what is not true. We need mind training in order to recognize the difference between what is real and what is not real. This mind training will go on day by day as we are willing to practice each lesson as specified in the Workbook. We embark on our journey today recognizing that we do not know what anything means. And we are willing to be led to what is real. We are willing to return Home to Love. We are willing to be happy instead of right.

As I look around me and tell myself that nothing is real, I am overcome by a surreal feeling. Things look different. Things seem different. What is it that gives them meaning? My mind gives them meaning. And why do some things have more meaning than others? Or less meaning that others? The sense of attachment fades away and I suddenly remember a dream I had this morning about a friend who died in October. How real was that? She seemed real in the dream. The interactions with her family seemed real. Yet when I awakened, I realized it was only a dream. Are these things that mean nothing only a dream as well? If they are, then perhaps I should let myself be amused by them as I would by a movie or television show, yet form no real attachment to them because things do come and go rather easily, don’t they.."

New stuff from Enigma is coming the next days! So look forward t
So i had phone coaching with brent for the first time yesterday and man it was awesome! One thing that really struck home was that he explained that nothing means anything. Every meaning we give an event or a situations like for example being successful with women means that we are happy, better than other guys, a real man etc. is the meaning we give it. For example if an alien would come to the earth and knew nothing about being succesfull with women, well guess what he wouldn't even understand why so many people are making a big deal out of it because to him or her :-) it would mean nothing. It would ask: What exactly is the difference between being sucessfull with women and being unsuccessfull with women? And the answer is there is not really a difference. The only difference is in our head. And when you realize that being succesfull with women actually means nothing it means not more or less than being unsucessful with women you can really be free of your attachments. All the things you think are important in your life really are not big of a deal, all that it is that somebody told you that those things are important and you gave that meaning to them.

A little tricky to understand i know but when you really think about it, you wake up from the matrix and think to yourself why was i ever attached to anything?


PS: Maybe i put the phone coaching up as well i have to ask brent though
I found this quote from Jake aka "joecool" in his newsletter. It is basically the best i have heard to describe indifference and being vs becoming it:

I mean here's the thing, we all look at the outside world and think that we need this thing. Well if you look closer, you'll find, it's not the thing you want, but the emotion that you think you're going to have when you get the thing. So why not just skip the process and just feel the way you would feel if you already had it, then it really and truly doesn't matter. This is how you leave the realm of wanting, and step into having. In this place, you'll find that it doesn't matter whether you get it or not, that it's irrelevant. You'll also find, at least in my experience, that the thing you were wanting, now just seems to fall in your lap. But that's what's so tricky about it. It no longer matters and you really don't give a fuck if you get it or not, because you feel like you already have it anyways. Prove it to yourself.


You can hear an interview with Jake in the download section!


The guys who did the sydney group coaching made a podcast on which they talk about hanging out with Brent and what they learned. Great stuff!
You find it in the download section!
Gratitude is so important and so easy to miss! I often forget it just because it is so simple. When i remember the times i had the most success i was always in the state of gratitude! So time to change that:
I start today the complain gratitude transformation: Whenever i catch myself complaining about something i switch it immediatly into gratitude. I should buy a wristlet like tim ferris when he did the 30-days without complaining thing. You're welcome to join ;-)

So good things are coming! The guys from the sydney coaching did a podcast which is very good and the enigma interview is coming (he's a very busy man lol)
Well finally the site is launched! It was really a little bit more work than i expected but here we go.
So enjoy the Site! Thanks to rezachkata for the newsletters, thanks to the guys i interviewed and most important: Thank you Brent!

And more stuff is coming. I am in contact with enigma right now and he agreed to an interview, too. Awesome!
